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fatal run time error: unknown source position

Im not sure what I did but this problem went away for me.  The MSBlast program didn't work and I didn't use CVI for a while so I forgot about the problem.  I have installed other NI software (labVIEW 8.2, among others) since then and new versions of NIDAQ so maybe that fixed it.
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 42
Did a complete uninstall, registry delete, and reinstall.
Nothing changed.
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 42
Hi Harek,
You could try removing the software, deleting the registry keys, and then downloading the latest version of LabWindows/CVI off our website. See if that fixes things.
Best Regards,
Jonathan N.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 42
8.0.1 is listed as the latest version. That is the version I am using.
I am not conserned about this problem, it is OK on my main PC. Thanks for your support, anyway.
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 42
Hi! I'm fighting with this problem too. Regardless of the program, I get the same run-time error everytime:

Application Error
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click on OK to terminate the application.

Unknown source position, thread id 0x00000e38
A non-debuggable thread caused a 'General Protection' fault at address 7C964ED1.

I uninstalled all NI software, deleted registry, reinstalled the program, but the problem still exists. My OS is Windows XP and LabWindows version is 5.5.1. I have this version of LWindows in other XP-computers and everything is working well with the same applications.

Do you have any cure for this?

Jussi Kauppinen
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 42

For me the problem disappeared after installing CVI version 8.1.


0 Kudos
Message 16 of 42
OK, I'll update the version next. Hoping it helps in my case too. I just wonder why this 5.5.1-version works well on my other XP-computers..
Thank you Hårek.

EDIT: Still the other solutions than updating the version wanted!

Message Edited by Jussi_T_K on 03-20-2007 07:29 AM

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 42
I had the same problem - I got "Fatal error" while running in release mode - while debug mode execution worked like a charm.
The problem dissapeared when I deleted the .exe and debug mode executable .exe from the application folder and recompiled. 

Hope it helps.

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 42
now I have the same problem,

"Unknown source position, thread id 0x00000628"
"The program has caused a first chance 'General Protection' fault at 001B:10CE3D70 "

This message always appears when exiting the programs, which worked o.k. in CVI 6.0.
I have tried the CVI Evaluation Version 8.1. When it expired I uninstalled it.
Deleted every files related to National Instruments in Windows Systems32, drivers, uninstalling every NI program, and cleaning the registry did not help. Currently I am working on a second machine which never saw the 8.1 version, and here every project works just fine. (CVI 6.0)
Is it maybe a problem to get rid of the version 8.1 and going back to the old version 6.0 ? Is there a hidden place where the one or the other file of 8.1 is still left ?
I am thinking of reinstalling the PC from the scratch now, because I am running out of ideas.
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 42


Did you follow Jonathan's instructions for removing all of the registry keys? This is definitely some sort of strange behavior but I wanted to make sure you tried everything else detailed in these posts before moving forward, especially since a complete re-format could be time consuming. Here are Jonathan's suggestions again.

Jonathan N wrote:

Hi Harek,
It is possible that your registry got corrupted so what I would suggest is
1) Uninstall all NI Software
2) Open up your registry (Start >> Run and type "regedit")
3) Export your current registry settings by selecting File >> Export and selecting ALL for the Export range.
4) Then remove the following registry components from the Windows Registry:
        HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\National Instruments Delete the entire tree!
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\National Instruments Delete the entire tree!
5)Reinstall NI Software
Let me know what happens!

Best Regards,

If you are still getting the same problem after trying this, please let me know. I can definitely see if we can try and reproduce this so that R&D is aware of the problem.

Brandon Vasquez | Software Engineer | Integration Services | National Instruments
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Message 20 of 42