11-06-2014 09:42 PM
如果原始碼不是使用『LabWindous CVI2013的版本寫,而是2013年以前版本寫的,但是原始碼使用『LabWindous CVI2013』軟體,編譯後出現" incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to 'int' from 'void*" 、"assigning to 'float' from incompatible 'void*'",導致Build Fail,請問該如何處理?如下圖
原始碼使用『LabWindous CVI2013』軟體,編譯後出現"無法找到"NIDAQMX.h",導致Build fail,請問該如何處理?如下圖
imaqReadFile(((struct MY_IMAGE*)ptrImg)->hImage, fname, NULL, NULL);
assert(0 == CamAcq_AcquireImage(((struct VAR_IMG*)ptrImg)->myImg_design->hImage)); 請問代表甚麼函意??
width = camROI.right - camROI.left + 1;
height = camROI.bottom - camROI.top + 1;
sprintf(strMsg, "Error reading image file.\n\n Error Code: %d\n\nFile: %s", imaqGetLastError(), fname);請問代表甚麼函意??
11-06-2014 11:31 PM
I tried Google translate but with funny results such as "May I ask what the letter on behalf of Italy".... so I'd suggest you either post this question in the Chinese technology forum or re-post it in English...