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Win32 debug messages from OutputDebugString() don't show up in the debugger

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I'm trying to use CVI to output debug messages to the Win32 debugger using OutputDebugString().  However, the debug messages are not showing up in any debugger.  I can see them in the Debug Output window in CVI, but they don't show up in any debugger (DebugView, Trace Spy, Hoo WinTail, etc.)  I'm showing all messages from all processes in the debugger, and I can see messages sent with OutputDebugString() from LabVIEW, but for some reason nothing shows up when I call OutputDebugString() with CVI.  I've also tried all the settings in Options->Environment->Debug.  I'm using CVI 10.0.0.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance,


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Accepted by topic author JoeDG

Only one debugger can capture the debug output of a debuggee at a time. So if you DEBUG your program from CVI, then the program's debug output can only be seen in the CVI Debug Output Window. If you RUN (Ctrl-F5) your program from CVI without debugging, then you can see the program's debug output in dbgview.

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