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Tooltip Picture ?



Is there a way of having a tool tip with a bmp in it ?

What im trying to do is when you hover over a tree item, i would like a tool tip with a pic in it to display what the items is.

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Message 1 of 3

I'm not sure about later versions, but as of CVI 7.1 the tooltips were implemented via the toolbox.c code in the toolslib\toolbox folder. So in principle you could modify the source code to draw pictures instead of strings, but its not a job for the faint-hearted!



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Message 2 of 3

There's no built-in support for image tooltips, but you could probably implement this without too much trouble. You would create a frameless, floating panel to hold your image. Then you'd use the tree mouse move events (and GetIndexFromPoint) to determine when the cursor is over an item. Upon mousing over a new item, you need to start a timer to display the panel on a delay. I may be oversimplifying some, but in general, you should have the tools to do this.


Mert A.

National Instruments

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