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System identification using labwindows?



I have some linear models to test and need to identify the parameters using estimation algorithms like arx, armax, oe. I am doing that now with an old version of Matlab (2002!!) but since all my other programs run in LabWindows CVI (8.5.1), I would like t know if there is something like a system identification toolkit but not for Labview but for Labwindows! or some library that I can add... any ideas?


Thanks, Kristel

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Message 1 of 4

What is it you want to identify, exactly?


The Operating System version/type?  LabWindows/CVI version?  PC configuration details?  Matlab version?


You can identify the CVI particulars using these CVI utility library functions:





You can ID the OS you're runnng on with




and you can get more detailed OS info using the WinAPI.


If you want to discover platform hardware details, there is a way to do this using the WinAPI.


If you want to know if some program is running (MatLab) you can do this, the way to do it is here on the forum in another thread.

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Message 2 of 4

@Bob: as far as I understood it kristel is searching for tools for statistical analysis for autocorrelated time series data.


@kristel: I am afraid that there are no 1:1 functions available, neither in the Advanced Analysis Library nor in extra toolkits. Linear regression is provided and you might built on it yourself...

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Message 3 of 4

kristel wrote:

I have some linear models to test and need to identify the parameters using estimation algorithms like arx, armax, oe. I am doing that now with an old version of Matlab (2002!!) but since all my other programs run in LabWindows CVI (8.5.1), I would like t know if there is something like a system identification toolkit but not for Labview but for Labwindows! or some library that I can add... any ideas?

The best versions of Matlab are the old ones, they don't cost so much Smiley Wink


You really need to be looking for a system identification library written in C. I was a little surprised, when I had a quick trawl, that I couldn't find one so easily. The only toolkits that come up on Google searches seem to be the Matlab and LabVIEW ones. There's stuff like the Numerical Recipes implementations for estimation, that give you the building blocks, but you'd still need to be referencing Astrom, Goodwin & Payne, or another reference to complete the implementation.


I'd be interested to know why you would really want to implement in C. Most system identification is offline, and which tool you use - C, Matlab, LabVIEW - is really immaterial.



Certified CVI Developer
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Message 4 of 4