Version: CVI2019
Hi everyone,
I am new to this Labwindows CVI. I have encounter this error below when in ring ctrl GetCtrlVal.
FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR: Invalid argument type: found 'pointer to unsigned char', expected 'pointer to int'.
RingCtrl UI
GetCtrlVal code
The error is saying that it is expecting unsigned char, but then, my value type is actually in int?
In GetCtrlVal description provided by labwindows, it does not specify if GetCtrlVal for ring control have any data type that they need to follow(?)
Current solution
1. Cast the value to char
Can you guys explain to me , of why is this happening ?
Similar error,but different type.
Other than that, I had also encounter, a fatal runtime error, still a RingCtrl and GetCtrlVal.
This time, my value is in unsigned char. And the error prompt is , they are expecting an int not unsigned char.
Current solution:
Casting value from unsigned to int.
I'm solving the error but without understanding why is this happening 😞
Can you guys help explaining this to me ? 😥
Thank you!