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FileBrowser does not show the detailed tree structure of the directories under the ROOT LEVEL STRING directory when control is not created in main.c (in the main() function)

Hello all,
I have created a filebrowser panel in my application. I am trying to load the filebrowser panel when the user clicks a menu option from my panel menu. On clicking a certain option, I will load the panel for the filebrowser, and perform the following set up calls -
FileBrowser_SetAttribute (handle, PROPANEL_FILEBROWSER, ATTR_FILE_FILTER, ".pro");
DisplayPanel (handle);
The filebrowser panel does get successfully displayed but I do not get an exhaustive tree structure in the file tree window (Folders). All I see is the My computer level and the C drive below it. When I click on the C drive I can see the directories and files in the C drive inside the next tree panel (but here there are no options to expand the sub folders and check their contents). It would be nice if I could see all the folders and sub folders under My Computer in the first tree panel (Folders).
The strange part about this issue is that when I have the exact same code in a main() function where I specify the above code, I can successfully see all the tree structure as I would like to.
I hope I am being able to convey my problem to everyone.
Is this a known issue? Do I need to do something extra (Set Attribute to something special?)? Any work around suggestions?
Thank you so much!
Aparupa Guha (Babi)
Digital Systems
Development Equipment Software Lead
T 616 224 6457
3290 Patterson SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512, U.S.A


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Hi Babi. I wasn't able to reproduce what you are seeing. I'm attaching a project that currently has the two calls in main() and placing them in the callback for the Show Tree button does not change its behavior at all.
Test Engineer - CTA
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