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Excel examples not working with Excel 16?

I have a good deal of experience in using Excel spreadsheets in Labwindows/CVI. Whether opening, creating new, modifying, calling macros, saving, renaming, etc.

However, I cannot get anything to work with Excel 16 that our company is now using. I've even tried using the example code supplied with CVI version 20. I have tried both exceldem.prj and excelreportdemo.prj. They can neither open Excel nor connect to an open session. Is there a current issue with Excel 16 and CVI?

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Which bitness? While ActiveX in principle supports out of process invocation of Automation Servers, which bridges the bitness gap if the application and Automation Server are using different bitness, the modern Click-ro-Run installers used to install Office somehow mess up the according registration, making different bitness of client and server fail. 
I had in the past success by running a Repair Install of the Office package, but it is a recurring problem, so may be part of a bigger plan to discourage 32-bit software altogether.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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