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Date and Time Picker Control Persistence error

I use "Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control(SP4)"(mscomct2.ocx) to input and display time. In a project months ago, it works properly. But now, when I open the same project, CVI popup a message reporting that it can't load the .uir panel because of AcitiveX error, and then relpace it with a text control. Then I add the control in .uir panel, there popup a message "The Control does not support persistence.". I open the project on aother computer, all things are OK. I copy the mscomct2.ocx file to my machine, and registered again, but the error still recur.
Who can tell me why this happen and how to solve it?
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Message 1 of 3

If you try creating a new project with a new UIR file, and dropping the same ActiveX control on the panel, do you see the same behavior? If you do, what is different between the two machines you tried this program on?

What operating system and version of CVI are you running? You mentioned that this program used to work on your machine. Do you remember changing anything between the time it worked and now?

Wendy L
LabWindows/CVI Developer Newsletter
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Message 2 of 3
Creating a new project with a new UIR file, and dropping the same ActiveX control on the panel in my computer, there will popup the messagebox "The AcitiveX control does not surport persistence.". But on other machines, it works on the right way.
I work with CVI 6.0 on Windows 2000 Professional, and the configuration on other machines are same. I do not know what happened to my machine since it worked properly, because installations and uninstallation of applications are continual. But all other ActiveX controls, such as "Microsoft Treeview Control" in mscomctl.ocx, behave normally.
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Message 3 of 3