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Arbitrary waveform using hp33120a driver in labwindows/cvi

I am using labwindows/cvi.

I had downloaded the hp33120a driver for agilent 33250a/33220a function generator.

I am facing the problem, how to create the arbitrary waveform?

thanks & regards,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hi Vikrant,


What problem are you exactly facing?  Do you receive an error notification or an incorrect output?




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Vaibhav,

                Sorry for delayed reply as i was out of station.

                I do not know how to create the arbitrary waveform .

I had array of points with values between -1 to +1.

Which of the functions to be used?

thanks & regards,



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5



Are you using the IVI driver ?


If you want to use the interchangeability of the IVI driver, you should use the IviFgen class driver, and call the following functions :


IviFgen_ConfigureOutputMode (IviHandle, IVIFGEN_VAL_OUTPUT_ARB); // select to generate an arbitrary waveform


IviFgen_CreateArbWaveform (IviHandle, nbEch, arbWaveform, &arbWaveformHandle); // create the arbitrary waveform where arbWaveform is your array of points (and nbEch the number of points of the array)


IviFgen_ConfigureArbWaveform (IviHandle, "CHANNEL1", arbWaveformHandle, gain, dcOffset); // configure the attibutes of the arbitrary waveform

// You have an array with values from -1 to 1. To configure the output signal to range from -2.00 volts to +2.00 volts, set the gain to 2.00. 


IviFgen_ConfigureSampleRate (IviHandle, sampleRate); // determines the rate at which the function generator produces arbitrary waveforms. (samples per second)


IviFgen_ConfigureOperationMode (IviHandle, "CHANNEL1", IVIFGEN_VAL_OPERATE_CONTINUOUS); // select to generate output continuously


IviFgen_InitiateGeneration (IviHandle);// moves the function generator to the Output Generation State.

IviFgen_ConfigureOutputEnabled (IviHandle, "CHANNEL1", VI_TRUE); // the signal the function generator produces appears at the channel's output connector.


If you want tu use directly the specific driver, replace the "IviFgen_" prefix by the "hp33120a_" prefix (for function names and constants).


Hope this will help you.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi Bruno,

             Thanks alot.

I am busy these days doing some other activities. I shall let you know when i shall check it.

I am not using IVI driver.

thanks & regards,


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Message 5 of 5