I've created an excel speadsheet to hold data collected by a Keithley meter using the examples contained in the demo file "excel2000demo". So far so good. My problem is that each time the meter sends data to Excel, the data repeats itself for the entire range, not one row at a time. How can I change the following code to accomplish this.
I've try adjusting the variable ROWS to 1 but no luck - the same data occupies all 250 rows. Any suggestions?
#define EXCEL_TEST_RANGE "A1:CD250"
error = CA_VariantSetCString (&MyCellRangeV, EXCEL_TEST_RANGE]);
error = Excel_WorksheetRange (ExcelWorksheetHandle, NULL, MyCellRangeV,CA_DEFAULT_VAL,
for (i=0;i<ROWS;i++)
for (j=0; j < COLUMNS; j++){
error = CA_VariantSetCString (&vArray[i*COLUMNS+j], my_data[j]);
if (error<0) goto Error;