By default, whenever LabWindows/CVI™ writes to the console window, it brings it to the front, which can be pretty disruptive. However, you can override this behavior by calling the SetStdioWindowOptions function.
int SetStdioWindowOptions (int Maximum_Number_of_Lines, int Bring_to_Front_When_Modified, int Show_Line_Numbers);
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I have developed EXEs using Visual Studio (C#) that allowed me to pipe StdIo to a control, effectively making console look liked a textbox that was contained in a fixed position on a form. Are there any methods in CVI (including using external libraries) that could do the same thing?
There isn't any option in CVI that echoes the stdio output to a UI control. The best you can do is to enable the Options>>Environment>>Copy standard IO to Debug Output window option which echoes the stdio output to the Debug Output window in the CVI workspace.