Customize Tools Menu
Use the Customize command to add your own menu items to the Tools menu. Each entry consists of a menu item name and an associated command line to execute. Each command line consists of a program name and optional arguments. When you execute an item from the Tools menu, LabWindows/CVI starts the program and passes the program the specified command line arguments. LabWindows/CVI saves your Tools menu entries from one session to another, not in the project.
Example: Incorporate a Code Formatter in LabWindows/CVI Tools Menu
Artistic Style is a free source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C# and Java programming languages. To find information about this software or to download it, go to
Example command line arguments for AStyle: %FILE% --style=1tbs --indent-switches --pad-oper --add-brackets --align-pointer=name
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