08-12-2014 03:00 PM
I try to attach my code but it doesn't work
08-12-2014 03:05 PM
Hi monkeys,
the help for DAQmxTiming gives you hints about that error…
You indexed waveform #1 from the array - but your array seem to contain just one waveform. As arrays are indexed starting from zero in LabVIEW (as is done in most other programming languages too) you are indexing a non-existing array element an so you get an empty waveform. That empty waveform conatins (of course) no samples, which DAQmxTiming is complaining about!
Index waveform #0 and you should go lucky…
08-12-2014 03:49 PM
I got it to work, the I-16 conversion I used was not needed and now it outputs the signal well. Thanks!