09-13-2015 10:54 PM
hi to all.
i write a program with pic and connect it to the pc (lab view) with seriat to usb connector. this progam send temp of the amb to the pc(data logger) . this sampling is every 10 ms update.i have several problem.
after several minute stop the program so that display this error(on the image).lab view stop and hanging . sometime restart the my pc!!
i use the serial to usb connector(made in china!!!) whats is the problem?
09-13-2015 11:14 PM
09-14-2015 01:50 AM
09-14-2015 02:52 AM
09-14-2015 02:54 AM
09-14-2015 04:13 AM
dennis i dont understand. whats is this?
i think i have to set a block for example(clear visa,flush or ...) thats true?
beacouse my buffer will become full and hang my program.
whats should i do ?????/
09-14-2015 04:50 AM
09-14-2015 06:29 AM
tnx .tell me about which function i have to use!?
09-14-2015 07:57 AM
09-14-2015 07:57 AM
Please post your actual VI so that we can get the full picture of what you are trying to do.
But based on the half picture, you could just get away with getting rid of your wait. These buffer overflows also happen a lot due to the highlight execution slowing things down a lot.