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variant data from data socket to 2d array

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I am trying to use data socket server to send and receive data from my device (a wavefront sensor) in the same computer. The data I received is in variant type, and I need to convert the variant to other data type I can use in Labview for furthur processing and computation.


The data variant I received has a lot of attributes, and the attribute I need is a 2D array. However, I can only see the size of my array in Labview, but not the numerical values. The indicator shows me


4 Attribute(s):
   'Centroid_Pos_X' -> [33x41]

   'Centroid_Pos_Y' -> [33x41]

   'Centroids_X' -> 15
   'Centroids_Y' -> 15


These four attribute should all return me an array, but they all return me the size of the array...

I tried "get variant attribute",  and also "variant to data".. but couldn't get the correct data.


anyone can give me some advice?

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Message 1 of 6

Try wiring cluster of 4 arrays to data type of variant to data.

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Message 2 of 6


@KateB wrote:

Try wiring cluster of 4 arrays to data type of variant to data.


That won't work since you're dealing with the attributes of the variant, and not the actual datatype of the variant.


To poster: You said you tried "Get Variant Attribute". What exactly did you try? Did you wire a 2D array of the appropriate datatype to the "default value" input of the Get Variant Attribute function?

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Message 3 of 6

Hi, I have solved the problem. I used a "Convert variant to data" vi, and wired a 2D array to the type. I attached a snapshot of the connection.



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Message 4 of 6

Hi, the problem is solved by wiring a 2D array to the "variant to data" type terminal. you can refer to the screen snap I attached in the post above. Thanks for ur attention!

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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by topic author orangeCHEN

You are performing an extra step that's not necessary. As I pointed out, the Get Variant Attribute function has a default value input, to which you can wire a 2D array to get your array directly:


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Message 6 of 6