01-25-2006 11:03 AM
Hi all,
I wrote a diesel engine ECU in LV 7.1 FPGA and ran it for the past year, using TCP VI's to communicate between the Host and cRIO-9004.
Next, I translated it to
Next step was to use the much-touted shared variables to eliminate all the TCP overhead. I defined 2 shared variables as big clusters with lots of controls and data passing back and forth. This worked fine while running under the source code. However, once I compiled the Host and cRIO code (ECUHost.exe and C:\NI-RT\startup\startup.rtexe), the sharing stopped.
I tried defining and binding the variables under My Computer and also tried under the cRIO target, with no success. I was able to get source code to talk to compiled code (I forget which one was which), but not when both were compiled.
Thanks for any suggestions,
01-26-2006 10:05 PM
01-30-2006 06:47 AM
Somehow or other, I got it to work after trying a variety of approaches. Now I have to figured exactly what it was that made it work and fold it into my regular procedures.
In terms of embedded startups, I may have misunderstood the roll of "Deploy" after doing a "Build". I guess I was not using Deploy after building the startup.rtexe for the Real-Time target, so the new startup file was not being transferred to the target. Just another little annoying difference between 7.1 AND 8.0.
Thanks for your reply.