The differences we are seeing are because I am using DAQmx, and you are using DAQmxBase (which you need to use, since it seems you are using a Mac). The error you are receiving is due to the fact that my code created a channel without first creating a task (which is allowed in DAQmx, but not DAQmx base). Creating a task before creating the channel should solve the problem. See the following article for more details:
NI-DAQmx Base Error -200428.It seems that DAQmxBase also does not allow you to use have a waveform output from your read VI. I have modified your example to show how to create waveforms from the 2D array output of your read. It's not a perfect solution, since the timestamps will start from whenever the Get Date/Time VI is executed (which in my example) instead of being synchronized with the actual time of acquisition. However, from the description of your application, it sounds like the main concern is to have the units displayed in proper units relative to each other, so hopefully this isn't a big deal. One other thing to note is that you must make sure that the graph does not ignore the timestamps of the waveform. Right-click the graph on the front panel and make sure "Ignore Time Stamp" is unchecked.
I hope that helps!