07-09-2007 02:06 PM
07-09-2007 02:12 PM
And I use software LABView 7.1 .
Thanks in Advance
07-09-2007 02:59 PM
07-10-2007 08:46 AM
Got it. It works. Thanks a lot.
07-10-2007 09:10 AM
And it is supposed that if the difference of two data is less than 0.05, it will stop aquiring data. but when the program executes, it won't stop. what's the problem?
07-10-2007 01:17 PM
07-10-2007 01:22 PM
07-10-2007 01:45 PM
07-10-2007 02:00 PM
With simulated data, it stops for me. You have your limit set to .01. As long as consecutive measurements are with that range, the VI will stop. Maybe you should or the stop condition with a front panel Boolean and a timer. At least then you can stop the while loop without clicking the Abort button.
p.s. The way that you are creating the array that gets passed to the Write to Spreadsheet File is not necessary. Just wire the value from the DAQmx Read to the edge of the while loop and on the exit tunnel, select Enable Indexing.
07-10-2007 03:23 PM