sylvester wrote:
the problem is not with sending commands, it is reading. The instruments send their messages with different termination characters, I need to read these correctly.
Just trying to point out common issues when someone says "It works in Hyperterminal but not in LabVIEW". A lot of times you will enter a bunch of characters in a terminal window and hit enter. But when you programmatically put those characters in a string to send to a VISA write, you forget to put a CR or LF at the end which the equivalent of hitting enter in the terminal program.
For dealing with different terminal characters on the read from different instruments, I think your best bet is to read the bytes available at the port appending the data to a string and keep doing that in a while loop. End the while loop whenever a search of the string shows that the termination characters are a part of the string. That way you can programmatically change your stop condition (CR-LFin once case, 03 0D 0A FF in another) depending on which device you are talking to.