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temperature, strain and voltage

I need an assistance to add Temperature, Strain and Voltage seperately to my input code at FBG Lambda 1, this will allow the waveform of any of the input to varies. just to observe the variation on the input waveform

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Message 1 of 5

Hi there,


My name is Joshua Young and I am from the Applications Engineering departments at NI UK. I hope that I can offer some form of assistance to help you with your issue.


I am struggling to understand what you are trying to add to your application. I can see that you have FBG1lambda as an output from your Formula Node.


Do you simply want to see the variations in output when changing the input variables?

Any changes you make to the input variables (Temperature, Strain and Voltage) should ultimately change the inputs to your Formula Node and therefore your FBG1lambda output.


Please could you explain in a more detail what you are trying achieve.



Joshua Young
Application Engineer
National Instruments UK

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Message 2 of 5

"Dear Young, 


I want to see how to add Strain and Voltage to the input waveform of Lambda1, my simulation is to just to study or observe a change in any of the waveform preferrably FBG waveform lambda1.

here are the details of what i want to achieve thereafter: 

Development of  simulation program to assess the capability of the proposed all-optical protection system to detect faults

Test the model during investigation of different scenarios of fault within the zone and outside the zone of protection


Investigate the influence and the effect of Temperature changes on the ability of the scheme to provide correct fault identification.


Investigate the influence of Leakage current capacitance on Power Transmission Cable






Development of Algorithm to provide fault status information having a binary information to indicate fault duration or no fault occurrence within the protection zone.

Recieved from olusegunalfred"


Thanks for your prompt reply. If it's okay, I have put your response here to keep it public and help people in the future.


Joshua Young

Applications Engineer 

National Instruments UK

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hi again,


I have had a look through your code with the additional information you gave. I think the best way to try and understand how to add strain and voltage would be to look at an example I have found which shows how a Function Node can be used. Please see the attached


As you are aware, a Function Node evaluates mathematical expressions similar to the C programming language. The built in functions can be found in context help within LabVIEW.


Notice from the example that you can also use a for loop within the Function Node itself as well as declare variables. I would recommend that you scale your variables (Temperature, Strain and Voltage) within the Function Node.


I hope this simplifies and is applicable to your application.


Kindest Regards,


Joshua Young

Application Engineer

National Instruments UK

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Message 4 of 5

Hello again,


Its been a few days since you replied, it would be great to hear how your getting on with the example I gave.


If you have any further questions or need some assistance with your code please don't hesitate to ask.




Joshua Young


Applications Engineer

National Instruments UK

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Message 5 of 5