01-27-2008 04:15 PM
01-28-2008 01:12 AM
Wire an Error Out indicator to the error-giving VI's error out terminal, thats all.
It ll catch n hold the error for you, instead of popping an irritating dialog.
01-28-2008 10:43 AM
01-29-2008 06:53 AM
Hi Robert,
What is the error you are receiving? Does it occur each time you run your application?
01-29-2008 10:13 AM
01-31-2008 07:15 AM
Hi Robert,
Have you tried wiring the error out cluster through the whole program, with shift registers between loop iterations, and using PDA Error Handler.vi at the end, outside of the main loop?
01-31-2008 10:28 AM
02-04-2008 06:52 AM - edited 02-04-2008 06:54 AM
Hi Robert,
Since the Clear Errors VI is not available with a PDA application, you can use a case structure to clear errors instead. Wire the error out of SMS Send Message to the case selector. In the Error case place an error cluster constant (right click on error out and Create >> Constant) to pass through the remainder of your program. For the No Error case, pass the error wire straight through.