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siemens s7 read/write data blocks with optimizeed access


How can access to data block  addressed in symbolic Form with optimizeed access. The elements are assigned only a symbolic name and no fixed address within the block (example: DB_name.Cutting_Speed). 

can use Snap7 or somthing else??

please help

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Message 1 of 5

snap7 will work but you have to disable optimized block access.

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Message 2 of 5

thank you for replaying.

i used already Snap7 for reading and writing data from/to data block with disable optimized access and works will.



i want to access the daba block with simbolic form like "DB_OperationMode.setting" instead DB100.DBX10.0.

is it possible with snap7 or something else?

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Message 3 of 5

symbolic addressing==selecting optimized block access

so Not possible

edit: with snap7 not possible. i am not aware of other tools.

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Message 4 of 5

The Siemens S7 protocol is not documented by Siemens. libnodave, Snap7 and others have reverse engineered that protocol and implement it but there exists no public implementation of the newer extensions necessary to support symbolic access.


Supposedly the Accon AGLink library here does support symbol access. But it is in DLL form and you will have to create a VI library wrapper to it.



Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 5 of 5