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sbRIO debugging

While trying to debug one of the exercises that came with the evaluation sbRiO, I find that breakpoints work, but probing data does not.

I had two wires OR'd together feeding a STOP.  Both wires probed as false, yet the stop button was set true.  I then added an error dialog (one of the wires was an error cluster) and the dialog popped up with an error (which would be a true to the OR).

Anyone else discover this?

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Message 1 of 4

Hi Randy_Bryant,


Just for clarification purposes, there is one OR gate with two signals being fed into the gate. That gate is then connected directly to the stop button? Also, what is the project and VI you are experiencing this behavior. Are you in the FPGA, Real-Time, or Host VI? If you do not believe the probe tool is working properly, for testing purposes it might also be useful to create indicators on both of the wires in question and view the status on the front panel. This is a great way to figure out exactly what is going on.



National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

Yes, two wires then the or then the stop

This is the RT app in execercise 3.

I figured out the issue by adding a simple error dialog to one of the wires (an error out cluster), also added a case statement to the wire going to the stop button and set a break point to look at the input to the case and a breakpoint in side both case values.  Probes give wrong values (don't correspond to the error dialog nor where the breakppoints occur.

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Message 3 of 4

Hi Randy_Bryant, 


I am glad you were able to figure that issue out! As for the probes giving you the wrong values, you might try deleting the existing probes and try reading them. Also, if you would like to attach the example project, I would be happy to see if I am noticing the same behavior on my end.



National Instruments
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Message 4 of 4