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saving data continuously to a spreadsheet

Hi There,


I am running a standard VI from the examples to acquire a voltage. I would like to run this VI continously for a period of time

and then when I stop running have all the data written to a spreadsheet. Either that or continously write the data to the spreadsheet

while running continuously. Any ideas?


Please bear in mind that Im really new to Labview so go easy on the explaining.





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Message 1 of 3

To acquire continuously, you would need to place a while loop around the inner part of the DAQ.


Your picture does not show how you want to write to the file. What is the loop rate you need? Unless the loop rate needs to be very fast, easiest would be to append the new data to the file inside the loop with each iteration.

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks for the reply,


Unfortunately cant try this out now as my DAQ usb is in the lab. A few more questions, do I place the while loop around the whole of the VI just leaving the write to file VI outside of it? Or is it just a select few components that go into the while loop? Im not exactly sure what the loop sample rate is but we have been running the standard voltage aquisition VI at 10 000Hz, is this what you meant or is this a different sample rate?


When it comes to writing the file all I am going for is a series of voltage readings against time to plot on an excel graph. Apologies for my lack of knowledge, started learning labview last week:)


Thanks again,



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Message 3 of 3