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"real" RMS



To explain my situation.


I have some circuit(with LED), which input voltage must be from 7-16V. Input current is from 40-80 mA.That is enough that LED's glow. This is PWM "regulation".... This current is 100% true, and yes I can measuer with FLUKE "real RMS'' multimeter! This circuit also have "switch" for other working, constant DC 13V, current here is about 0,7A. This current I can measure in labview normally and all work's OK.(on picture you can see Statistics->aritmetic means-->......>current for constant DC voltage)


IN DAQ I define voltage and current, so there are "2 signal'", "one wire(4)" measure voltage, and on shunt resistor current..all is connected into SCXI-1000.. Now when I switch from normal mode, to PWM, I cannot measure current, logically because I need RMS, which I try to "make it".


I look some tutorials and examples on internet, and as you can see it I have problems.

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Message 11 of 12

The Fluke 87 True RMS multimeter has a bandwidth of 20 kHz.  You did not specify which model you have, but this is one of the better ones.  It cannot accurately measure your signal!



Message 12 of 12