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"Unable to View Properties" with Express Filter VI

Hello all,


    To start off I am using a cDAQ-9178 chassis and am having issues with noise from a couple ports on my NI 9215 module. I was planning on simply using the Express Filter VI in my code to take care of the noise. However, I could not find it in the usual place Express > Signal Analysis > Filter. I had to go to a sample VI then copy and paste the block from there into my code. When I attempt opening it to modify the properties I get the message "Unable to View Properties". Any idea why I am having these issues? I have LabView 14.0.1 if that helps at all.


Thank You!

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Message 1 of 2

Never mind, I just looked up the features that come with the Base Development System and it looks like Filters are not one of them.

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