We work NT platform (labview v.5.1). Our purpose is to start a vi's file "via
website" (with script in perl lenguage). The instruction is:
uveis/gf_prova.vi",0,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,".")|| die ErrorReport();"
With this, the server start the labview program, but no the vi file.
We repeat the experience with the notepad program and the instruction go
The other solution is use the next instrution: "exec ('C:/soft/natinst/labview/labview.exe
but then, the vi executes in the background (the front panel not appears
in the monitor, because the vi is running, and then i can't kill the process...
I think that the problem resides in the definition labview process.
I have explained it good (???).
I don't know if someone has work in similar themes. I will be grateful for
some suggestion or comment.