Hello Yusuf C,
Thank you for your answer and alow me to correct myself:
- Both jumpers are set to "Norm".
- On start(or after reboot) 4 leds are on (and not blinking) "Power ok" , "10/100" , "USER2 " , "USER3".
The system state is: "Connected-Running".
- When a error accurs , "Power Ok" led is on and "USER1" led is blinking 3 times every 2-3 seconds.
For all the errors.
- The correct text of the error (when trying to install software) is "Timed out while wating for remote system to Reboot. Installation failed."
and the system state as shown in MAX is "Connected - Install Mode"
- After the error, if i try to install the software again i get an error "Network communication error while trying to communicate to the remote devi
ce. Error 12029."
- Reboot using MAX after an error is succesful.