03-09-2014 08:18 PM
Alright, I just updated Labview. It seems to help a bit, but it still freezes during execution.
This is a version of the VI which only runs the servos. I've tried debugging the code with this, but still cannot make any progress period.
03-09-2014 08:25 PM
You might also want to masscompile the driver. Your toplevel VI is in LabVIEW 2011 and the driver is still in 8.0.
03-10-2014 01:35 PM
Tried that. The VI still freezes.
03-10-2014 01:38 PM
Did you try to get support from whoever made that driver?
03-10-2014 03:27 PM
Tried that. Velmex suggested increasing the wait time. I did that, and Labview still freezes.
I've heard Velmex makes terrible labview drivers. I'd make a better one, but I don't know how to.
03-11-2014 03:39 PM
While working for a previous employer, I used the Velmex motors and VXM controller. After one look at their driver (and the fact that I was running on a Mac), I wrote a controller which used the RS-232 interface. The VXM users manual had a complete list of the available commands. No DLLs. No weird conpanes. No undocumented functions. I no longer have access to that code and it probably only implemented a small subset of the commands because we had a fairly simple project (mechanically). Although we did want it to do something the Velmex applications people said it could not do. We did it anyway.
I suggest that you could do the same thing. If you only need to implement a few commands (as it appears that you might), then this should not be too difficult. Writing and testing the code to implement every command is a much more complex task.