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labels on front panel not locked as desired



Although I set the labeling option for the front panel to 'Labels locked by default', once in a while new elements on the front panel show up with their labels not locked. It might be that I am editing VIs from somebody else where this setting wasn't used. But I don't know because all I can set it the behavior of only my LabView which I expect to be respected even by VIs from somebody else.

This behavior is very annoying because I typically try to grab the label to position elements as this is the least sensitive area of the element. Otherwise, the automagic multifunction mouse pointer is driving me crazy when I try to just grab an element to move it.





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Message 1 of 18

Hi Juergen,


The way LabVIEW treats each VI is on an individual basis.  This means that you will have to go into the properties of each VI and be sure to lock the labels.  Also, ensure that you have gone under Tools>>Options>> and then to both Front Panel and Block Diagram and that Labels Locked by Default is enabled.  


I hope this helps.



Marcus M.
PXI Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 18

Hi Marcus,


Thanks for this clarification.


The design of this feature is very confusing: I can go to the Project Explorer, select Options, and then set 'Labels locked by default' for both the Front Panel and the Block Diagram.


This is what I did based on my assumption that this is a GLOBAL setting. How can this be a VI-based setting if I can set it in the Project Explorer?

If it is truely a VI-based setting, is there a way to set a default value in a global LabView settings file (ini or whatever)?


Please advice,




Best regards,



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Message 3 of 18



I forgot to mention that even in the Options settings of the current VI, the settings 'Labels locked' for both front panel and block diagram are checked. But when I create a new indicator, the label is NOT locked on the front panel and I have to manually lock it.


It is even worse than that, it seems random which label is locked and which isn't. It seems it is more reliably locked on the block diagram, but only randomly locked on the front panel.





0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

Hi Juergen,


I was unaware of this issue in LabVIEW but am more than willing to help you out as much as possible.  What version of LV are you using?  Also, what are you computer specs such as operating system, 32 vs. 64 bit...?  





Marcus M.
PXI Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 18

Hi Marcus,


I'm on a Windows 7 64bit with LabView 2011, 32 bit.


I guess I need to use the 32bit version of LabView because I also need the FPGA module which only works with the 32 bit LabView.







0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18

Hello Juergen,


I am having difficulty replicating the same issue that you are experiencing.  When I enable label locking for both the front panel and block diagram from the options menu and then place an indicator on the front panel the label is locked.  However, if label locking is not enabled and an indicator is placed on the block diagram that label will not be locked, rightfully so.  But, if you then enable label locking, the label of that indicator will remain unlocked because the indicator was created in an "unlocked" state in which it will remain until it is changed manually under the label properties settings.  This could explain why your labels are not locked even if you have enabled label locking.  


I hope this helps,



Marcus M.
PXI Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 18

Hi Marcus,


I understand the logic of when a locked label should be locked based on whether it was created with 'labels locked' or not and that a later change in the default locking state wouldn't change this.


However, contrary to expectations this is what happens to my LabView 2011, 64 bit:


Start LabView -> Getting Started -> Tools -> Options:

For both the Front Panel and the Block Diagram the box for 'Labels locked by default' are CHECKED.


Blank VI -> drop 'Numeric - Frameless(Silver)' onto the Front panel: right click -> VOILA: Lock Label is NOT checked and therefore label is NOT locked


drop 'Simple Numeric' onto Front panel (even several times): all their labels are locked


again drop the Numeric - Frameless (Silver)', and again the label is NOT locked 


The same happens with, e.g. an Array and Array (Silver): the silver version's label is NOT locked while the regular version has a locked label


I have to admit that these were just lucky examples. But I experience the same with VIs that were probably made with an older version of LabView: sometimes the label is locked and sometimes it isn't although the global 'labels locked' setting is ON.






0 Kudos
Message 8 of 18
I believe the Silver controls in the palettes point to ctl files and are not 'primitive' controls like Modern, System or Classic. As such they are already created without Label locking and therefore that setting is apparently ignored.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 18

Thanks for your comment.


But what if I decide that I want to override the Label locking setting and make all the labels locked because I just happened to find it more suitable for my needs or tastes? The global settings (either set in the VI or in the Project manager) being ignored by some and not others is not a good design. Basically it means that I have to check every single label because I can't rely on it being locked by default. My tolerance for yet another two mouse clicks more for each little element for no good reason is pretty much zero. And I shouldn't be forced to care or know about whether one set of controls or indicators is actually a ctl file or not primitive or whatever. That's a really bad design.





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Message 10 of 18