02-27-2013 10:05 PM
i am working on a project,which is transmit continously data which can given by switch,but i can transmit data only after timeout error,so instade of that error i want continously transmit data without time out, so please help me soon,
02-27-2013 10:08 PM
You have a greedy while loop. There is nothing there throttling the speed of the loop.
Where are you getting a timeout error? Using VISA writes should not give you a timeout error.
What are you really trying to do with your VI?
(PS, the word "I" is always capitalized)
02-27-2013 10:15 PM
When we pressed a switch on runtime at that time it can not display on another PC,but it can display after time out error, and then it generate output,and after press on continu button,then and the only we able to get another out put,
we use usb to rs232 converter,is this causis by that?
02-27-2013 10:25 PM
What does "switch on runtime" mean? Specifically what do you mean by the term "runtime"?
Where are you getting the timeout error? You are now talking about another PC. That is an important detail that you left out of your original story. Is that where you are getting the timeout error?
Fill in the rest of the details. That is why I asked "what are you really trying to do."
I don't like wasting time playing guessing games as we try to coax the details out of you. The quicker you can give us the important details of your problem, the easier it is to help you solve the problem.
02-27-2013 10:51 PM
Hi pareshsabhad
I modified your VI with error out. Run this VI and let us know the error outs.
You are new here as i can see through your number of posts. Lets make a practice of some tips before you post your problem (Not hard and fast rules).
1. Always upload your VI.
2. What input you are giving and what corresponsing output you are expecting.
3. Clarify the problem. if possible then use bold letters for that.
4. What error and where exactly you are getting that let us know.
5. Upload the image of that if possible
Dont worry we will deal with it.
02-27-2013 11:38 PM
Thanks for replay
sorry we have labview 2010 and you given vi not supporting in this version so please give me suggestion for run in 2010
02-27-2013 11:38 PM
This one is better i think
02-28-2013 12:02 AM
Thanx, but still its generate an error
02-28-2013 01:21 AM
Its a version difference.Now you wont get this
02-28-2013 01:22 AM
Here is the VI.
Let me know