06-20-2006 10:49 PM
i am not sure it is right or not?
any ideas?
thanks in advance
06-21-2006 12:40 AM
I don't see the problem, as you already have the idea for a solution.
You just need a control to open the "next" vi (maybe a button??).
06-21-2006 01:09 AM
it is just an idea, actually, i dont know how to implement it, in this way, you need to coordinate mouse events which belong to different vi, is different from handling events which belong to same vi.
i am not sure it is a right way?
any idea?
06-21-2006 01:13 AM
06-21-2006 01:37 AM
not by click, but mouse move enter, then pop-up subpalette, when should we close subpalette, which subpalette to close if there are several popup subpalette?
06-21-2006 01:57 AM
I assume you don't like it, but I think this is up to you, as it is the logic of your program.
By the way - there is the possibility to create runtime menus on controls. So you can have nice context menus in your app. Maybe this could also be a way to go.
06-21-2006 02:57 AM
06-22-2006 11:07 AM
Hi Brian,
I am not sure I understand what you mean by "trace the current status." Could you explain a little more your thought process?
I believe we might be over-thinking this. If you treat each sub-palette as it's own VI, you can pop them up with a mouse-enter event from a button on the "owning" parent palette. Then, when your mouse leaves the subpalette you can close it. VI Server is an easy way to accomplish this sort of behavior -- again, this depends on exactly what you want to do. As has already been stated, there are probably several ways you could make this menu system happen.
I have attached a VERY simple example below in LV 8.0. When you move your mouse into the button of the parent.vi, the child VI appears. The child VI will disappear when the mouse leaves it's front panel. I did not actually use VI server to implement any of this (just sub-vi node setup), but that's not to say that you couldn't. It's not a fancy VI by any means, but it at least demonstrates the concept.
Hope this helps!
06-22-2006 10:55 PM
i will use the grobal array to coordinate all vi.
the behaviors of the control palette are different from your description.
for example, there are two buttons in parent vi, button1,button2, when you move mouse over the two buttons, what happen? if in control palette, have the following behavior
if use subvi, not dynamic vi, how can you do that?
moreover, we should not use mouse leave event to close vi window, observe the behavior of the control palette, even mouse leave out all pop-up winodw, these windows remain same, window title changes only.
i want to know whether there is a "vi lost focus" event, when a vi lost focus, i will search the global array, if i find all of the current pop-up vis have no focus, then close all pop-up vis.
any ideas?
thanks for reply
06-26-2006 10:39 AM