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how to delete the word document page programatically?

i am using Report generation toolkit and i made a template of 2 page, first page i made for test 1 and second page i made for test 2,


for some testing want to generate the report test1 and test 2.


for some testing want to generation the report test 1 only, that time i want to delete the second page.


how to do this?


attached template.

Balaji DP
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

It would be a lot easyer if you use Excel, you could then delete a sheet. Since there is no Page object in Word it is a lot more difficult. A possibility (there is probably a better way to do it) would be to insert a section break (next page) to separate you pages instead of pressing the enter key repeatably (which is a bad habit). You can then call the _Document-> Sections collection to get a reference  to section index 2 (your second page). Get the Range property of this section and then apply the Delete method.


You now have to remove the section break. Get a reference to the first section (index 1). Get the Range property of this Section and get the Find property of this range and then apply the Find method with ^b to the FindText input (^b is a section break) and an empty string constant to the ReplaveWith input. Et voilà.



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Message 2 of 3

It is possible to do it but for me it doesn't make a lot of sense since you can cut a paragraph or a sentence in the middle. If you had google it you would have found answers of how it can be done in VBA. Here is a LabVIEW adaptation of what I found:


Word Delete Specific Page.png


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Message 3 of 3