I am trying to acquire analog data with pretriggering capability on a continuous basis (Cont. Acq&graph voltage-Int Clk-Analog Ref). I am just now switching over to DAQMX so I am not that familiar with its capabilities. I have a simple program I have written in DAQMX that is set up for Analog ref and the start read and stop task are written in a while loop to accomplish a continuos acq. The program works for E series card (6032) but not M series card (6251), I am skipping a lot of the pulses. For example I am feeding in a 5 V TTL signal at 100 Hz to AI0. With the E seires card this program acquires all 100 pulses a seconds, while with the m series card the program acquires only 20 pulses or so. The time delay betweens acq seems to be long? I am attaching the labview code.
thanks for your help