01-19-2009 07:14 AM
HI All,
I need to generate labview code from sound and vibration assistant? i have pci 4474 card and i configured in sound and vibration assistant according to my vibration sensor.what should i do to convert the project to labview from sonund and vibration kit.
01-19-2009 07:48 AM
From Sound and Vibration assistant can you not go to:
Tools>>generat code>>LabVIEW Diagram
This should create you the Labview code for the system you have set up.
best regards
01-19-2009 09:59 PM
I tried that method but i got the dialog box of "You have attempted to code generate a Sound and Vibration project to a version of LabVIEW where the Sound and Vibration Analysis VIs are not installed. The Sound and Vibration Analysis VIs may be installed to LabVIEW 8.2 or higher." what should i do to get the vi? should i install any seperate tool kit for vibration?
01-20-2009 07:43 AM
There are a few major possibilities for this error:
01-21-2009 08:57 AM
If you have more than one versions of LabVIEW installed than you can also go ahead and try to locate the file for SNV toolkit and try copying them to the 8.2 version folder and than try it out.
Thanks and regards
Anuj Bhansali