02-05-2016 12:01 AM
Well, that's a start. But who makes it?
We can't see that part of the tiny picture you posted.
02-05-2016 12:02 AM
nvis technologies....india
02-05-2016 12:10 AM - edited 02-05-2016 12:15 AM
Thank you. Finally some information we can use.
With that, I was able to Google and find the manual on line. http://docslide.us/documents/nvis-rfm-manual.html
But I could not find baud rate mentioned in it. It does claim to have an RS-232 inferface. Why it fails to give any specs on it, it is a bad manual.
I have yet to find a manual that gives those details.
Why won't the manufacturer give you such basic information? Beat on them again.
If they won't give you the information, then you need to send that unit back and get your money back.
The manual talks about having software to communicate with it. Do you have that and tried it to see if it works?
You might be able find out the settings using some sort of serial port sniffer tool while that software is working. Or you could go really old school and hook up an oscilloscope and tap into the receive or transmit wires. See if you can see the bit pattern and decode what the baud rate would be from that.
If you get the baud rate figured out along with parity, and stop bits, great. But how do you expect to use this when the company doesn't give you any information about the commands used to communciate with it. (which should be in that manual, or perhaps an advanced manual).
02-05-2016 12:12 AM
02-05-2016 12:13 AM
Thank u all.......
02-05-2016 04:46 AM
@RavensFan wrote:Why won't the manufacturer give you such basic information? Beat on them again.
If they won't give you the information, then you need to send that unit back and get your money back.
The manual talks about having software to communicate with it. Do you have that and tried it to see if it works?
Whenever I run into this exact situation, it is almost always because the manufacturer is using a "propriatary" message format and they only want their software communicating with the instrument. For an automated system, this is useless.