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eurotherm 3504/3508

Hi guys. I've been up and down this forum for a while now, but I still couldn't find what I was looking for.


I have a 3508 eurotherm and I got the drivers from the NI driver website. The driver itself is fine, it even comes with couple of examples. 


The problem is this, I CANNOT FIND a VI within the driver that allows me to modify the selected segment. 


The 24xx driver is similar but comes with a VI called "ET24XX Configure OP Program Segment". With this VI you can select a program (i.e. program 3) and select a segment (i.e.segment 2), and then make changes to that segment. 


I don't know WHICH VI in the 35xx driver allows me to set those parameters, or maybe a combination of VI's. 


There's a simple example of how to make a simple program manually using the 3508 module. this example is on the 3508 manual (27 pages I think), and its shows a program with 4 segments where the 1st segments starts as Rate, then Dwell... and the last one is End (as it should be) and it gives a graphical representation of the program, I was trying to replicate this program using labview drivers but I just don't know which VI's I should use (combine) to replicate the same program.


It might be something simple but I just can't see it.


I know some people comunicate through ModBus (MD), but I'm pressed for time here and I was hoping that those VI's incuded within the driver should do everything I wanted it too (provided I link and combine them properly).


If anyone has managed to make the previously mentioned example usgin 35xx drivers then please let me know how.






0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

Any takers? I gues I'm just looking for an example (other than the one provided) on how to set a program on the eurotherm 3508 using the vi's provided in the drivers.


Any help is most appriciated.


Thankgs again



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Hi Kas,

The driver does not have specific VI’s for the two 3500 programmers, their programs and segments, but you can use the "et3500 Utility Read From Register vi" and "et3500 Utility Write to  Register vi"  provided, to target program and segment parameters.

In the Manual there is a section labeled “Dual Programmer via SCADA comms”. This section contains tables with all the information you need, starting modbus addresses and offsets.  You need to understand the structure of the Programmers with their Programs and segments, for this take a look at the section labeled “Synchronous Programmers” and/or “ASynchronous Programmers” (depending what type of programmer you want to use), for examples how to calculate the correct Modbus addresses.

Once you have all the addresses you need, then use the Read or Write register vi’s and feed the parameter address you want to use.

I hope this helps you to progress.


Message 3 of 11

I gues there was no easy way around this.


Thanks Dimitris



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

how to open a locked keylock function on eurotherm  3504?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11



If the locked keylock function is enforced by someone else then you need to ask them to unlock it for you. Usually there is a good functional and/or safety reason why one is locking a controller function.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

so I go to the menu "key lock" there are two options of "none" and "all", I select "all" and all the menus are locked so I can not open anymore.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

The Instrument is doing exactly what you have asked. To Lock All the Keys. Here is the information from the 3504/3508 manual which explains how to resolve the problem.








0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Hi everyone! I need little help 🙂

How can i compare 2 configurations(programs) of the eurotherm 3504 using itools? I have 2 versions of configs and i need to compare it between each other. Did not find the "compare" option in itools like in the "simatic manager" . Is there any possibility to compare 2 configs of the 3504?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11



You can open the programs on separate iTools instances and then compare them side by side.


This applies to both instrument clone files (.uic extension) and programs(.uip extension) opened using the iTools Programmer Editor





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Message 10 of 11