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dynamic system model, what is the solver

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dear memeber

what labview mean by this word in this labview helpl 


""Because many dynamic system models consist of differential equations, you must solve these differential equations".

" Most simulations you create in the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module use ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers""



best regards

hi ?Q>

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

It states that the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation module chooses to implement an ODE (ordinary differential equations) solver to by default to solve any differential equations you may have in your simulation loop. 


Does that answer your question?

Perhaps you could be more specific as to what about the statements you don't understand?

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
CLD Certified
Message 2 of 4

@Zach-H wrote:

It states that the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation module chooses to implement an ODE (ordinary differential equations) solver to by default to solve any differential equations you may have in your simulation loop. 


Does that answer your question?

Perhaps you could be more specific as to what about the statements you don't understand?


dear thank for replay

its ok i understant that 


so if i put a transfer funtion of system in simulation loop and then graph the step response of system over time



do the simulatin loop will use solver in this case as it the transfer funtion must converted to differential and the differential to function of time ??

best regards

hi ?Q>

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author mangood

Most linear systems can modeled by linear differential equations, which can then be used to create a transfer function to describe how the system acts upon an input to create an output. The help is just stating that an ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver will be used as the default option, to solve any differential equations which comprise the transfer function. It will solve the transfer function, likely comprised of differential equations, for descrete time steps thus returning step responses of the system for a given input. 

Applications Engineer
National Instruments
CLD Certified
Message 4 of 4