04-11-2007 01:17 PM
04-12-2007 03:19 PM
05-24-2007 05:37 AM
If i build an executable with DSC support, and install it on a PC wich has the DSC runtime system too...
Will i be able to use Get Shared Variable List, even if the variables have been deployed on another PC?
05-25-2007 05:32 PM
05-28-2007 02:27 AM
Thank you.
You said "unless you have the DSC Run-time...", hence my question...
05-29-2007 11:33 AM
I have the DSC also so I believe I have the run time support. The point is not if I can write to a particular shared variable. I do that without any issues. What I'm looking for is a way to rapidly query a complete list of shared variables from the host machine in the form of an array or cluster. I will use the list as a list for reading value change notifications, in a state machine, or whatever.
Eric Nelson
05-29-2007 06:49 PM
05-31-2007 06:05 PM
Is the run-time system only for compiled executables? I have the full DSC 8.2 Module installed on both machines. The NI DSC product page you link to seemed to indicate that the run-time system is only for building DSC enhanced executables. I can't find any documentation on the NI site stating otherwise. Is there any detailed documents on the DSC runtime system that you can point me to before I shell out another $600?
Eric Nelson
05-31-2007 06:42 PM
05-31-2007 06:49 PM
I have two PCs with the DSC modules installed so I should be able to read the list of published variables for one machine to the other? BTW, my machines are not on the same subnet. From one machine I wish to query the shared variables on the other. How do I do this?
Thanks for the VI Server method and example vi. I would like to query directly.
Eric Nelson