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data collection skips every 0.5 second

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Just an FYI, the parallel loops did not solve the issue I am still having. It did improve the functionality of my VI overall, though, so it was good advice. Thanks all who helped, and I will post back if I figure out what the real issue is. 

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Message 11 of 12

@hhart wrote:

@Bob_Schor, Thank youso much for your help. That got me on the right track, i think. 


I have zero experience with this type of structure, so even directing me to helpful documentation would be appreciated. 


I "mis-remembered" -- I thought there was documentation with the Template.  I was getting it confused with the similar Project (but that's much more complex).


However, if you do a Web Search for "LabVIEW Producer Consumer", you should find a 2012 Article called "Application Design Patterns: Producer/Consumer" which should be helpful.


Bob Schor


P.S. -- I would put the Queue to the Consumer before the filter.  You want the Producer Loop to be as compact and "crisp" as possible, as this is the "time-critical" loop where missing data means ... missing data.  Of course, you also want to put all of the other output in the Consumer, as well.  The Producer should have the DAQmx Read and the Enqueue, very little else ...



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Message 12 of 12