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data acquisition of CV7-V wind sensor under labview using NI 9403


I want to measure a numeric type RS232 signal at the output of a CV7-V wind sensor (attached PDF file)

I used the module CDAQ 9191 and NI 9403 under NI MAX and I got the result on the attached figure

how I can retrieve the information from this sensor under labview using CDAQ  9191 and 9403 Module

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Message 1 of 9

If it's an RS-232 Serial Device - why don't you use a serial port instead? That way you can just read the data using simple serial functions.


If you have to use a digital I/O device - then you will need to convert the signal into digital data (using the timing information of the RS-232 device) and then convert it into the numeric data output by the device. It's not something I've ever tried to do but have a look at the digital waveform functions in LabVIEW as that might help you convert the analogue signal into binary data which you can then convert into a string.

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
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Message 2 of 9
It's just silly to try to write your own serial protocol decoder. An inexpensive USB-RS232 converter is all that you need for the nmea messages.
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Message 3 of 9

thanks for you answers


I want to use 6 six wind sensors with the module 9403
So with RS232 or USB-RS232  it must pass through switches


I just want a complete solution NI for sensors measurement for all types of signals at the output sensors (analogue or digital).

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Message 4 of 9
There would be no switches required. You can get multiple ports with a single USB connection. I've never heard of anyone creating serial connections from a digital I/O board. You would be on your own and it would take quite a bit of time.
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Message 5 of 9

thanks for your reply


but  we can measure the speed and direction of the wind from CV7-V wind sensors
and that by using the 9403 digital I / O  module 

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Message 6 of 9
That's fine but has nothing to do with RS-232. Do you work for free where the weeks/months it will take is less than the purchase price of an existing solution? I bought an 8 port device for less than 100 US$. That is about an hour of my time. You've already spent that much time and are not close to a solution. Have you been able to reliably capture a single frame? Once you have synched, parsing the data bits is relatively simple.
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Message 7 of 9
And don't forget the external hardware that you need to convert the voltage levels. They could be as much as +/- 12 volts and are not ttl.
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Message 8 of 9

Thank you for your contribution

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Message 9 of 9