06-18-2011 01:47 PM
I am using the USB 6229 DAQ. In my VI I am using the DAQ assistant to calibrate my device before I begin recording. However I am finding that there is a constant drift in the 'uncalibrated value' before I commit the new values that I want to use.
Is this drift normal or is there a problem with my DAQ?
any help would be appreciated,
06-18-2011 02:43 PM
How much drift are you measuring? Generally NI devices seem to be quite stable. Are you allowing sufficient warm up time?
06-18-2011 02:59 PM
The uncalibrated figure is approximately '0.4523' and it constantly reduces in size. If i leave it for 5 mins it will be around 0.3800. It doesn't seem like a majoy drift but the uncalibrated max and min points of my device are around 0.2 and 0.6.
The DAQ had been on for about 7 hours and i was detecting a drift so I restared everything and tried again numberous times over 2hrs and i detected the same drift in calibration.
any ideas?
06-18-2011 03:23 PM
What is connected to the input while this drift is occurring? What is the input configuration, differential or single ended? What is the full scale range?