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create countdown showing in LED array labview


I´m having trouble creating a countdown that can be viewed in a LED array. i need to create a twelve minute countdown. I uploaded only the array because i have no idea how to start, please help me!!



 (sorry for bad english)

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Message 1 of 3

You need to start with a few basic LabVIEW tutorials. It is not a good idea to start such a program by guessing.


Let's look at the subVI: The sequence structure has no purpose. The initialize array has no purpose. The local variable has no purpose. Basically you are writing to the terminal with all FALSE and to a local variable of the terminal with a 2D boolean pattern in parallel. Whatever writes last wins, but the order cannot be known from the code because there is no data dependency.


In the main VI, you simply need to  create the numbers that make up the timer, then call the subVI for each digit to display the correct pattern.


See how far you get...

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Message 2 of 3

Hola Salmir;


te recomendaría echaras un vistazo a los tutoriales para comenzar a trabajar con LabVIEW


Si lo que buscas es hacer una cuenta regresiva, te recomiendo el ejemplo que postean en este foro y para hacer la conversión de numéricos a un arreglo de boleanos (osea un grupo de LEDs) puedes usar la función que lleva ese nombre.. "Number to Boolean Array"



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