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create and play at 1280x1024 then play at 1024 x 768

The problem is all about window size.

First time, in resolution (1280x1024). I created and played (execute). it worked correctly.
I had saved the settings and checked "Maintain proportions of window for different monitor resolutions".

Then I played on resolution (1024x768). It does not show correctly. The real size is half missed in  this resolution.

Then to resolve the problems. back ro recreate at resolution 1024x768. Save the new settings and still checked on "Maintain proportions of window for different monitor resolutions".
then I played the new one, but problems still persists. I am puzzled.

How do i resolve it?

Message 1 of 19

Hi Clement,

Is this occurring in an executable or a VI in the LabVIEW development environment?  I am also unsure of what you mean by "the real size is half missed in this resolution".  Does the window not resize or are objects on the front panel not showing up?  If you cannot see all of the controls and indicators on the front panel, you should select "Scale all objects on front panel as the window resizes" so that the front panel objects stay the same relative to the main window.

Message 2 of 19
Hi Donovan,
At that time, In 1280x1024 resolution, I created an vi and compile it into an execution. It works during development and run-time. 
I can see all the controls in this resolution. Only check is on for "Maintain proportions of windows for different monitorre solutions". And I disenable " Allow user to resize window".
Then in 1024 x 768 resolution in another PC, I run the same compiled vi. Only the half size of the window is shown. I can see some of the controls and they are still running properly. The only problem is that I can't see the other controls that are cut off by the size of the window.
To solve this problem, I resize my monitor to 1024 x 768, re-edit my vi and compile it. Window size is updated in vi properties.
Then I ran again in this resolution, it still shows the half size. Funny thing is that when I clicked on controls near the border of the window, it resizes to correct window. It cannot be resize to correct size when it is first opened or run.
So how? I am using labview 7.1
thanks for reply
Message 3 of 19

Hi Clement,

When you set the VI Properties in the VI with 1280x1024 resolution, you should select "Scale all objects on the front panel as the window resizes."  This will let the window resize as before, but the controls will resize along with the window so everything is visible.  This will allow you to see all the controls on any resolution when the window resizes.

Message Edited by Donovan B on 12-21-2007 04:15 PM
Message 4 of 19
Hi Donovan B,
I have checked "set all objects on the front panel as the window resizes".  I also checked "Allow user to resize window "in customized window apperanace even though I do not want the window to be resizable. Somehow all the front panel looks crumpled.

PictA- Crumpled window at 1024 x 768

PictB- Not crumpled at 1280 x 1024

I still cannot get it right.

Message 5 of 19

Hi Clement,

I tried creating an executable with the same resolutions that you are using and did not see this behavior.  Would it be possible for you to post a VI that exhibits this behavior so I can try to build it on my machine and see if this occurs?

Message 6 of 19
I can see some of the issues you are seeing.  The text fields are getting cropped because LV is resizing them with the panel, so when you make the panel smaller, the height of the box changes and you get the cropping.  It also seems the Boolean text position ratio is not being kept.  There is some minim space controls need and I think some of what you are seeing is this as well.

I have never cared for LV's resizing algorithm, and have never been able to use it and be satisfied with it unless the GUI is extremely simple (1 or 2 contols).  I usually end up desigining for the smaller resolution and accepting it.

One option you have is something I did implement in a project where it needed to have monitor resolution support.  I created shell applications which passed control references to their controls down to a subVI which did all the work.  That way, I designed a 1024x768 and a 800 x 600 panel (my 2 requirements) and not have to have two different EXEs.  On startup, I determined the monitor resolution and launched the proper application.

This can be an issue if you are doing intensive indicator updates, as updating by reference is not as efficeint, but in my case, everything was relatively slow, so it had no impact.
Message 7 of 19
One question I have for you is whether the font size setting is different between the two resolutions?  If you go to your Desktop, right click, properties, settings tab, advanced button, what is the font size resolution under Display?  Is it Normal size at 96 DPI or large size at 120 DPI?
I used to use large font on my settings when I had a very high resolution on a small monitor (good for graphical applications like CAD, FEA, picture editing) but needed a large font to still be able to read the text otherwise it would be so tiny it would give me a headache.  But I found that Labview is one of those programs that does not handle that Windows font setting very well.  If an application was created on a normal font PC and the buttons and text boxes were sized to fit the text, those boxes and buttons would be too small on a large font PC.  Or buttons would overlap, or it would just generally create a screen that did not look quite right.  I have also seen this on poorly coded web pages that may pop up a fixed size dialog box based on normal size text.  But large size text would disappear off the edges and bottoms and you couldn't resize their popup to see it.
Now that I have a larger monitor, I have been able to live with the normal font setting to avoid these problems.
Your picture with the cutoff text reminds me of those problems I had.  And I know some Labview fonts are based off of system fonts.  So maybe that is the source of the problem.

Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 12-26-2007 08:51 PM
Message 8 of 19
I have had this issue with 7.1,8.0,8.2 and 8.5.
I built the test VI in 8.5.
My fonts are set to Normal for all screen resoultions.

Message Edited by RRRRSSSS on 12-27-2007 07:56 AM
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Message 9 of 19
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Message 10 of 19