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averaging in the loop

Hi all.  I would like to average 2D arrays whilst running the measurement. I attachhed the VI below, in which i receive data from 2 instruments and plotting them into a XY graph with history. What i want to do is averaging graphs every 200th sampling and plot it.


to make it clear:

 i start the measurement and collect 200 x and y datas lets call sample 1

as running the loop another 200 x and y datas (201th-401th datas) called sample2


and average them  ((1th+201th)/2, (2th+ 202th)/2,... and plotting.


when i get the another 200 x,y  datas ( 402th-602th  datas) called sample 3, i want to average

those with previous ones ( 1th+201th+402th)/3, (2th+202th+403th)/3


and keep doing this process till i stop the measurment.


I am a bit confused how to start with algohrithm. any hellp is appreciated





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Slow down! 

First of all, lets assume you specify a resource (which you aren't), are you getting the data you want in the atttached VI by reading the VISA resource as opposed to the reading the read buffer????


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7
yes , I have 2 visa resources ( Multimeters ).
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7
...and you are getting data from the multimeters the way the VI is wired?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7
yes it works fine. isnt it correct?
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
i didnt show the resource name wirings, which are thee gpib adresses
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

The missing resource was one thing. I was more surprised at the fact that you wired the resource into the string>number function, so your data IS the resource. Interesting.


Anyway, sorry if it seems I hijacked your thread with an urelated question.

Attached is a VI (saved to 8.5) that will hopefully give you some ideas on how to build the three samples of 200. I didn't quite understand your averaging, so I guessed at it.





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Message 7 of 7