06-11-2007 08:24 AM - edited 06-11-2007 08:24 AM
Message Edited by mikhaylova_anna on 06-11-2007 08:25 AM
Message Edited by mikhaylova_anna on 06-11-2007 08:27 AM
06-11-2007 08:42 AM
06-11-2007 09:01 AM
Thank you, Chris,
Really, I am a beginner in LabVIEW, but I am getting better ....
You are right, I mistaked with order of components.
What about not to break out the elements... 1) I need to use these values in other places, too, because I have some misunderstanding with how the synchronization works and ADconvertion works. 2) I found, that without this breaking, I save very strange data into files. But such breaking makes saved data correct.
Thank you again.
06-11-2007 01:49 PM
One more question, if it is possible,
If not to break out the components and bundle them up directly to array, is there way to get the size of Y component directly also (e.g., now I use "Array size" block, applied to separated Y component) - because I need to have cluster of 4 componrnts - 3 standard and 1-size of Y.
Thank you in advance.
06-11-2007 01:55 PM
I'm not sure what you mean, I think you'll have to get the size directly from the array.
But my advice would be to read up on creating a Type Def. Control. You can create a cluster the way you want it and call the control. Then use Bundle/Unbundle By Name instead of regular bundling. You will find it is much easier to keep track of the contents of your clusters. The other benefit is if you want to add or change something about the bundle, you only have to change the type def. and all the wires to and from it will change appropriately. You don't have to necessarily change all your bundle operations.
06-11-2007 02:09 PM - edited 06-11-2007 02:09 PM
Message Edited by mikhaylova_anna on 06-11-2007 02:10 PM
06-11-2007 02:15 PM - edited 06-11-2007 02:15 PM
Message Edited by altenbach on 06-11-2007 12:19 PM
06-11-2007 02:36 PM
06-11-2007 03:09 PM
@mikhaylova_anna wrote:
May be, I use local variables wrongly, but the ideas to have "Frequency" and "Amplitude" local variable is only to avoid long wiring. Their values are necessary only to write down into the info file (it is a file about experimental conditions).
A local variable points to a control or indicator. If you read from a local variable, you are getting the current value from the terminal. There is no need to write to a local variable first in order to read from the local variable later. For example you have the terminal of "output rate" wired to a local varaible of itself. This simply writes its own value back to the control and nothing has changes except you wasted computer resources.
@mikhaylova_anna wrote:
It doesn't matter that I use a loop - it executes only one time. That's why I never use "Stop" button
Why don't you delete the loop then? It serves no purpose. 😉
@mikhaylova_anna wrote:
Also, I don't understand what you mean on the 1st picture - why to put the question mark on the trigger block.
This is just because I don't have DAQmx installed and thus I am missing these subVIs. Just ingore it.
@mikhaylova_anna wrote:
And one more question in this case - on the 1st picture it is possible to see, that amplitude and frequency (to generate output signal) are set. But really, I have got output signal of different frequency (empirically, I found that it is equal to (frequency*Input rate)/1000). Why?
You should wire your sampling information to the function generator. Right now you don't have it wired so it defaults to 1000. CHeck the online help.
06-11-2007 03:23 PM
Thank you a lot, really,
About local variables - I've understood now.
About a loop - it sounds strange, but I don't want to touch anything, if it is not a source of errors (and this loop - is not). But I'll try.
About frequency parameter - it is not a default. Really, if to change it value twice bigger, the sampling rate is decreased twice, and visa verse. It looks like the sampling rate parameter is something like frequency, and frequency is something like a sampling rate. I am already crazy about it.