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Write the elements to array

A lot of thanks for this explanation. Some things what do u write here i have known, but it's "%[^=]=%f " was realy surprise for me. I try to repeat  you program, and now I think that the "scan from string function" it's very helpful in my issue. Thank you again, but I have some problem with the case of writing numbers in the array, I mean i cant to do cycle that allow me write parameters of temeprature (in your example it was 36) in the 1-D array. Could u explain this moment.

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Message 11 of 13

Hi GerdW,


U re right, Now I see, that i'm realy dont think about dataflow, and the values dont keep from the previous iteration. If it isnt hard for u, can u explain how will I have to create the cycle that allow me to keep the data values and write them.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13

To retain values from previous iterations you need shift register. Learn more here:

-Also this about feedback :

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Message 13 of 13