05-18-2012 11:14 PM
I have PCI 6224 card and SCB 68 box with me. Upto now i have devoloped VIs for measuring volatges and currents and generating a test report. I want to further use them for some other applications. Can anyone suggest me some applications where can i use LabVIEW other than measurement and testing?
05-19-2012 12:17 AM
This is a strange question.
You can do pretty much anything you want to with LabVIEW.
But a PCI 6224 is a DAQ card, a piece of hardware that is meant to measure electrical signals. What else do you expect to use it for? You could possible use it for a coaster, but that would be pretty lumpy. An AOL CD makes a much better coaster.
05-19-2012 06:39 AM
I would suggest heading over to the NI Community. There's lots of stuff in there. I personally hate the NI Community web interface, but the content is pretty decent.