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Vision toolkit

Hello everybody,


I've built a state machine with LabVIEW to read out a CCD camera. I'd like to implement a state of the machine in which the program just waits for the user to draw a ROI (line, point or rectangle) on the image on the Display to then do something else. The main problem I'm facing is that I have no clue of how to make the program wait for the user to draw a ROI using one of the tools of the Vision tollkit.


Can somebody please help me?


Many thanks.



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Message 1 of 4

Hi minni,


You may be able to use a property node of the IMAQ image on the front panel. There are multiple properties associated with the ROI drawn on the image. You may be able to read the size of the ROI with this method. If the size is more than zero, then a ROI exists, otherwise if it is zero then no ROI exists.


I've attached a very simple demonstration of using a property node for an IMAQ image.


Good luck!

Josh E
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hello Josh,


Many thanks. Could you please send your VI in the LabVIEW 2011 version?


Thanks again

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Here you go.

Josh E
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4